AWARE EUROPE ["Bobby approved"]

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This publication is free of charge; it was supported by the US Embassy in Warsaw and the Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundations in Budapest.
The Guidebook has been divided into sections (according to its chapters and appendices) and compressed with WinZip.

If you would like to read it, click the selected chapter, download it and save the file on your disc. Then unzip it. Click here to download the whole book.


Information from the Editor

Wojciech Maj: Introduction

Chapter 1: Anne Yeadon - A Little Understanding Can Make All the Difference

Chapter 2: Antonina Adamowicz-Hummel - What Do You Do When You Meet a Blind or Low Vision Person?

Chapter 3: Maureen A. Duffy, Wojciech Maj - How to Asses and Adapt the Workplace for a Blind or Low Vision Person

Chapter 4: Stanisław Jakubowski, Antonina Adamowicz-Hummel - The Use of Technical Aids in Setting Up Workplaces for Visually Impaired Persons

Chapter 5: Halina Guzowska - Legal Provisions Related to Employment of Persons with Disabilities

Chapter 6: Anne Yeadon - A Global Challenge: Employment Opportunities For All Citizens

Appendices: (those in bold type have not been translated into English as the information pertains to local Polish arrangements and solutions)

Appendix 1: Resolution of the Sejm (Lower House of Parliament) of the Polish Republic, dated August 1, 1997: Disabled Persons' Charter

Załącznik nr 2: Wykaz aktów prawnych dotyczących zatrudniania osób niepełnosprawnych
(List of Polish legal acts pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities)

Załącznik nr 3: Instytucje państwowe zajmujące osobami niepełnosprawnymi
(State institutions/organizations related to disability)

Załącznik nr 4: Organizacje pozarządowe działające na rzecz osób niepełnosprawnych
(Polish NGOs in the field of disability)

Załącznik nr 5: Organizacje zrzeszające pracodawców osób niepełnosprawnych i pracowników zakładów pracy chronionej (Polish organizations of employers employing persons with disabilities)

Appendix 6: Job Placement Services for Persons with Disabilities

Appendix 7: Selected International Websites with Links to Other Organizations

Załącznik nr 8: Ogólnopolskie czasopisma specjalistyczne poświęcone problemom zatrudniania osób niepełnosprawnych (Polish magazines on employment of persons with disabilities)

Appendix 9: Telework - Homeworking of the 21st Century

Appendix 10: Specific Programs for Employers and for Employees with Disabilities

Appendix11: A Few Common Sense "Do`s" and "Don`ts" Prepared by the US President`s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities for the Employer

Załącznik nr 12: Fundacja AWARE Europe (this info is available on our webpage)


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