$if ye love me muz. $thomas $tallis $sopran łłł$c `\l"p.6 qr'c 8876 sr v888 tś8'c hcic7r m v766 s.8'c 8687'c 7pę pu ł=m m v"6t'c wś87 68q qu m vt6 wśr 76ęń w"p|w ńśct #,|]ł; #;|]łlłk $if ye love me, keep my commandments, and $i will pray the $father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may bide with you for ever, *e'en the $spirit of truth,** truth. $alt łłł$c `\l|t.ń op'c 66ęń pp'c pu m vńńń pęń'c ńcwńń śś"p 6|w"6ę ńcścw.j tu ł=u"p s.8 766ę p6|w ńńn oo ęr7'c gcf6v6'c 6|ś"66 ę"t6 wś87'c gfpę #,"żł; #;"żłlłk $if ye love me, keep my commandments, and $i will pray the $father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may bide *with you for ever,* *e'en the $spirit of truth,* *e'en the $spirit of truth,* truth. $tenor łłł$c `#l|r.6 tt'c www8 "nt'c tv8 88"ń.j sr'c ru uvś 77"n w8tc ich67.g pt ł="p.ę ńwśw wc877 8"ńw7 88ąs w"q|w "76ęń ] 8"nw'c w6wś 8"ńw7 8677 #,|rtł; #;|[łlłk $if ye love me, keep my commandments, and $i will pray the $father, and he shall give you another comforter, *that he may bide with you for ever,* e'en the $spirit of truth, the $spirit of truth, e'en the $spirit of truth, *the $spirit of truth,* that truth. $bas łłł$c `#l|p.ń t|p'c 66>wń s|p'c ż m un ńń7.f on v7ńń p6>w ńńww |pu ł=|ps'c ś876 ę6>t |666ę ńńq >tv|w'c w6wś r68'c hfc7p uv6'c 6>ś|6ę ńńww #,|żł; #;|żłlłk $if ye love me, keep my commandments, and $i will pray the $father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may bide with you for ever, may bide with you for ever, e'en the $spirit of truth, the $spirit of truth, e'en the $spirit of truth, the $spirit of truth, truth.