The winds are singing freedom Tradycyjna pieśń irlandzka oprac. Henryk Wereda $sopran ń=#abj ł$c "d 7.gh8. iś.'cś."d 7.g8.i s.xi jw.ń.j (ś(87.i w.ih7. r.xd "śiiw.j dń.v"dd "iś.w.d n.dd ę.eń.j (śc(87hi w.i8.g q." dd 7.g8.h iś.v"dd 7.gh8. s.xi jw.ń.j ś87ii w.i8.g r.dd "ś.iw.j dń.v"dd "ś.iw.j n.dcd ę.eń.j śc87ii w.i8.g q.łk $alt ń=#abj ł$c "d ń.df6. g7.'c7xd 7.g6.g q.xg g7.6.h (7(6ę.g 7.geę. qc6xd ńdd6.h iś.v"dd g7.8.i s.ii w.j8.h (7(6ęfg 8.g7.d n.dd ń.d6.f g7.vdd ń.df6. q.xg eę.6.f 76ęee 7.gę.e qc6dd 7.g8.h iś.v"dd 7.g8.h s.ii w.j8.h 76ęee 8.g7cfd n.łk $tenor ń=#abj ł$c "d ś.ijw. dń.'cńxd ś.iw.d n.xłf eę.ń.d (ń(ćńę.|i "ę.e|h8. tcńxd ńddń.f g7.vdd dń.6.f 7.g6.d (ń(wśjd ę.dw.d s.dd ś.iw.j dń.vdd ś.ijw. n.xłf eę.ń.d ńśśii "ę.ew.h tcńdd ń.d6.f g7.vdd ń.d6.f q.łff 7.g6.d ńśśgg w.ew.d s.łk $bas ń=#abj ł$c |d 7.gdń. g7.'c7xd 7.gń.d q.xg >jw.ń.f (7(>ś|ę.d w.e>hąw. n.xd 7ggń.d g7.vdd g7.ń.d >w.jń.f (7(ćńęji 8.iw.d >q.-|dd 7.gń.d g7.vdd 7.gdń. q.xg h8.ń.f 7>ś|ęee >8.iw.ąj n.dd 7.gń.d g7.vdd 7.gń.d q.>gi w.jń.f 7>ś|ęee >8.iw.d >q.-łk The winds are singing freedom, they sing it everywhere, they sing it on the mountainside and in the city square. They sing of a new day dawning when our people shall be free. Come and join the song of freeedom, let it ring from sea to sea. In the battled streets of Belfast you can hear the people cry, for justice long denied them and their cry will fill the sky, but the winds of change are blowing bringing hope from dark despair and the day of justice's dawning soon, you can feel it in the air. The winds are singing freedom, they sing it everywhere, they sing it on the mountainside and in the city square. They sing of a new day dawning when our people shall be free. Come and join the song of freeedom, let it ring from sea to sea. Too long our people have suffered in misery and tears and foreign rulers used our land for about eight hundred years. It's a long road, has no turning, and I know that soon will be a day of justice dawning when our people will be free.