An MS Rehabilitation Center - Skoczów, Poland
The Community Care Center in Skoczów, Poland, has been available for Persons with Disabilities since January 1995. Patients come mainly from the South of Poland, but also from other parts of the country. Persons with MS can stay here permanently, temporarily or participate only in our daily activities.
Up to now 209 programs of rehabilitation took place. They lasted from 2 to 6 months
146 Persons with MS participated in different forms of rehabilitation including physical
and occupational therapy.
They could choose from among various art-therapy forms like ceramics, photography,
movie-therapy, bibliotherapy, music-therapy.
New perspectives in psychological rehabilitation creates "SNOEZELLEN" – a therapy invented in Holland. Snoezellen allows to experience the world through "sniffing and dreaming". This technique creates a state of physical and emotional relaxation by providing intellectual, emotional and perceptual (visual, auditory, tough) sensations. By penetrating receptors Snoezellen brings desirable experiences. As a result, it improves not only mental, but also the physical state of a patient. In Poland Snoezellen is a novelty, still at a stage of an experiment. The therapy is provided individually and in groups. Our residents can choose such forms of activity that suit them best and are most effective for their therapy.