Profiles: Magdalena M.-D.

Magdalena M-D is a 45 years old female with hx. of MS over last 20 years.
She is an author of two volumes of poetry.

She wrote about herself as follows:
"My disease started slowly. Increasing fatigue restricted my daily activities.
I experienced exacerbations treated with steroids, initially successfully. Later on my body stopped to react to that treatment and I became generally weaker and weaker. This overwhelming weakness suddenly and totally immobilized my body with left side hemiplegia, dysarthria and inability to turn in my bed. For months I remained bedridden.

Fearful, I was thinking what to do. I was left alone with my enemy, my disease. I have always been a fighter. I had to believe that time had come I had to prove myself, to accept myself and to remain myself. I was left with the same love of music, art, aromas I used to love before. I had to learn to live my daily life by exercising the same daily activities again and again. By all my internal power I directed from the bottom of my heart to my hand and to my leg an order to start perform a desired movement.
I changed my pattern of thinking and started to believe that the worst was over.

I smoothed my inside and introduced my own anti-stress program. I rejected all negatives including these people who could not offer me anything positive. I watched funny movies and positive, joyful programs. I looked at objects that were beautiful and colorful. I tried to live in the presence, day by day. Each day was organized to the perfection and filled with music, colorful painting, visualization. I could see myself dancing, biking, strolling along the seashore, etc.

My lost world subconsciously started to return to me. Soon later I realized that my dreams slowly became my reality. I started to write poetry. My hand could write better and better. My body listened to me more and more. I regained control over all of these what seemed to be lost for ever.
Now, with joy, I am looking at trees surrrounding me. My life regained all its colors. My ability to perform everything still needs more work".

Magda, using her strong belief, visualization and art therapy was able to overcome most of her disability.She is able to walk small distances on her own, climb steps, write and perform majority of daily activities on her own.